Thursday, February 12, 2015

2014 World Press Photo Winners Announced

© Mads Nissen

This year's World Press Photo winners have been announced with the top honors going to this image by Mads Nissen depicting an intimate moment between two gay men living in Russia. The winning photograph, which also took First Place in the Contemporary Issues category, stands in marked contrast to the more dramatic images of war, poverty and conflict that are often chosen. On their decision to select this particular image, juror Pamela Chen said, "We were looking for an image that would matter tomorrow, not just today."

The competition, which focuses on photojournalism and documentary photography, sets strict guidelines about the manipulation and alteration of all its photographs. This year, 20% of the contest finalists were disqualified for excessive post-processing after photographers has to submit original RAW files for review. To read more about this check out TIME's story here and the World Press Photo's statement here.